About Us


The Concord Group is a leading real estate advisory firm. Founded in 1995 by Richard M. Gollis and Marta Borsanyi, we are proud that our insights have helped our clients shape cities, neighborhoods, and communities for over 25 years. Headquartered in Newport Beach, California, The Concord Group has additional offices in San Francisco, Atlanta, Austin and Portland.


We provide the real estate development and investment community with timely, accurate and insightful analysis directing profitable business decisions. We are proud that our insights help our clients to shape tomorrow’s cities, neighborhoods, and communities.


We are committed to this set of core values:

  • People – treat our team with empathy and respect
  • Teamwork and Collaboration – operate as a team to produce the best results
  • Thoughtful, Customized Analysis – provide our clients with bespoke and timely solutions
  • Client Satisfaction – deliver a superior level of service and insight
  • Industry Leadership – share our insight and unique perspectives within the real estate industry



Strategic Advisory

Our team of over 40 people is today headed by Richard Gollis, Tim Cornwell, Mike Reynolds and Adam Seidman.


Our people make the difference, starting with our leadership team. Every project is assigned a team with our Principals and top consultants and research professionals. Combining deep knowledge of geographies, product types and project scope our team will help gain perspective on the market to maximize the value of the real estate opportunity.

Project Profiles

Our team of consultants has completed thousands of engagements in the United States, Europe, Asia, Latin America and the Carribbean. Explore project profiles and discover how our insights have helped our clients understand their markets, find growth opportunities, or mitigate risks.

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